Sept 5, 2009 13:54:13 GMT -5
Post by chaotic38 on Sept 5, 2009 13:54:13 GMT -5
Name: Donovan reno Trainer Rank: C-rank Badges: Zero
Hometown: Pallet Town
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 90 lb
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Occupation: Trainer
Starter Pokemon: Squrtle
Specialist: Water
Alignment: natural good
Inventory: Pokeball
Personality: Kind makes friends and enemies easily
Appearance: Wears blue jeans and a red shirt tall and skinny, messy black hair, brown eyes, smiles a lot
History: Donovan was born and raised in Pallet Town. he always wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer he always loved the water so he is a perfect match with Water Pokemon